Sunday, March 31, 2013

e-Learning For Kids

E learning is a form of learning where electronically supported training and learning methods are employed. It is also known as online learning, computer-based training (CBT), internet-based training (IBT) or web-based training (WBT). It provides out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences with the help of various materials available on internet, audio or video tape, CD-ROM and satellite TV.

E learning offers a break to students from classroom learning and traditional books. It is easy to access and therefore appeals to students. One of the most important things that attracts to students is that e learning programs available are self paced and are in the form of text, images, animation, games, puzzles or streaming audio or video. Self-paced modules are integral part of e learning which lets a student learn at his own pace. E learning allows learners to schedule class work at any time. They can access to computer and learn at any time and any place around the globe. It reduces travel cost and travel time for students studying in off campus colleges. Students can also select learning material according to their own interest. Students can learn a lot of things by indulging in a variety of learning activities. It also develops and hones a students’ computer and internet skills that will always help him/her throughout their careers.

Children around the world are aware of global warming and climate change. They know that our earth is in danger due to over exploitation of natural resources. Hence, encouraging children to use e learning technology will make a difference. E learning is good for the environment as it does not require paper which saves million of trees. It caters information with the help of emails, PDFs, synchronous classrooms, and other web-based tools. E learning also plays an effective role in reducing carbon footprint from the environment.

e-Learning scope in India

E learning is continues to grow in popularity in India. According to recent studies, every one in ten children under the age of 18 receive some sort of education at a home. Many parents are using e learning for developing their children's knowledge. One of the primary reasons is that e learning is not much expensive and interesting than traditional classroom based learning. Even traditional schools are opting for various e learning programs to make learning fun and easy for students.

Though e learning is gaining popularity in India but the e learning market is emerging and is at a nascent stage. The pace of growth of is a little slow despite a powerful potential in the country. An array of awareness programs and powerful marketing strategies can make efforts in increasing the popularity of e learning in India. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), in 2006 e learning generated $6 billion in revenue which rose to about $21 billion by 2008.

Many organizations in India are using e learning to teach their employees about rules and regulations or any new thing that has been introduced recently. E learning has been most successful in corporate world because it is adopted to enhance business goals and motivating employees.

India is a developing country where literacy rate is very low. E learning has the potential to raise the literacy level as it can reach to every nook and corner of the country where there are no educational institutes. However, one of the main problems of e learning in India is lack of course content. Although there is a plenty of content in IT related fields and in English language teaching but multilingual courses covering myriad of topics are need of the hour.  Therefore, quality content on a wide variety of topics as well as good marketing can increase e learning in the country. The future of e learning is strong as it is the simplest source of learning.

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